NEW IBERIA (AP) — Waiting to hear back from the Guinness World Records people is the hardest part about submitting her 26-year-old mixed terrier as the world’s oldest dog, Janelle Derouen says.
She does confess to some anxiety about whether Max — who, if you go for the old multiply-by-seven calculation, is about the equivalent of a 182-year-old human — will survive until the confirmation papers arrive. Derouen said she is awaiting word from Guinness, after faxing papers that included a veterinarian’s record of Max’s birth and puppy shots in August 1983. He’s already five years older than Chanel, a dachshund that held the title until her death this past summer at the age of 21. But there’s a lot of competition for top old dog. “We’ve gotten a lot of claims since Chanel died. I would say hundreds,” Jamie Panas, a spokeswoman for Guinness World Records in New York, said Thursday.—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s News Staff at [email protected]
New Iberia dog, 26, may be world’s oldest
September 19, 2009