After two weeks without liquor, Chelsea’s Cafe will resume serving alcohol Wednesday, according to owner Dave Remmetter.The first circuit court of appeals revoked Chelsea’s license Sept. 15 after an appellate court ruling.Remmetter said the reinstatement of the license stems from an agreement with the Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control allowing Chelsea’s to simply apply for a new restaurant license. The city then granted Chelsea’s a temporary restaurant license.”It’s not like if we don’t serve alcohol, we can’t make it over here,” Remmetter said. “[But] food sells alcohol, and alcohol sells food.”Chelsea’s had stopped serving alcohol in light of the ruling, Remmetter said.”The first circuit of appeals has said that the suspension of our liquor license is now reinstated,” Remmetter said on Sept. 15. “The original suspension handed down by the [Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control commissioner] was for a year.”The local eatery and popular late-night locale was cited by the ATC for operating as a bar without the proper licensing after a Jan. 22 raid and lost its license after an April court ruling to reinstate the license was overturned in court.Gov. Bobby Jindal signed an act in August clarifying the legal definition of a restaurant as serving more food than alcohol on a monthly basis.—–Contact Lindsey Meaux at [email protected]
Chelsea’s given permission to serve alcohol – again
September 30, 2009