To all students at LSU, and especially the new students in the Honors College:Last Wednesday, Mike Tidwell (author of Bayou Farewell) spoke at the Convocation of the Honors College. He issued a challenge to the incoming class of 2013 to become an active voice for coastal restoration in Louisiana and climate change mitigation in general.I humbly suggest that the best thing all of you could do is right here on your own campus. To the best of my knowledge, LSU has yet to sign the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Challenge (check it out at the following website: most recent College Sustainability Report Card ( assigns LSU a grade of C+. Lest you think that the best grades only go to UC Berkeley, Harvard, and Yale, the University of Florida (a school we would consider a rival in both academics as well as athletics) receives a B+. If you are serious about accepting Mr. Tidwell’s challenge, then I suggest that you begin on your own campus.—-Contact the Daily Reveille opinion staff at [email protected]
Letter to the editor (9-3): C+ not good enough for environmental efforts
September 2, 2009