The new Paws Port program gives first year students the opportunity to attend six campus events in six weeks for the chance to enter a prize drawing while getting to know LSU and their fellow students.
Freshmen and transfer students alike can come to on-campus events and have their IDs swiped. As long as they attend six of the eligible events, including some events required for the program, first year students could win a discount on spring rent, an iPod gaming device and autographed memorabilia.
Different departments including Campus Life, First Year Experience and Residential Life have linked together their events for the first time. The departments decided to come together so their events would not seem isolated and would give first year students a feeling of connection to the University as a whole.
“We’ve always had great welcoming events for first year students, but we wanted to get the message out of how to connect with the University in a big way,” Associate Director of Campus Life Jacob Brumfield said. “We want them to make a successful transition from wherever they’ve come from in life to college.”
The program will only last for the first six weeks of the year and will then be evaluated. Paws Port will be an annual program if it is deemed affective.
Some students think the program is a positive thing for new students.
“They should keep doing it because it’s awesome to win something,” geology freshman Amelia Chia said. “But it’s easier to meet new people if you are coming to the events alone and not in a group…and even then it is probably a one time meeting.”
“The events inform people about issues and are entertaining,” Marcelo Gutierrez, a freshman electrical engineering major, said. “And it’s cool to win prizes.”
Paws Port also helps students connect to LSU quicker.
“Prizes give students a sense of immediate satisfaction of things gained,” Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Life Darrell Ray said. “That helps new students connect faster and know there’s always something to do at LSU.”