The LSU AgCenter has published a 2010 calendar ripe with information and tips for gardeners both experienced and novice.
The 2010 “Get It Growing” calendar includes color photographs of gardens, flowers and plants as well as monthly gardening tips.
The photographs in the calendar were contributed from photographers from around the state. The pictures included in the calendar were chosen from a pool of more than 1,300 photos submitted after a call for entries last year.
The calendar was developed in 2005 based on the popularity of helpful information from the AgCenter on lawns and gardens, said Elma Sue McCallum, the calendar’s coordinator.
“The LSU AgCenter provides research-based information on useful topics of interest to Louisiana citizens, and gardening seems to be a favorite,” McCallum said.
The monthly information is provided by Dan Gill, AgCenter horticulturist. Tips include reminding gardeners when to fertilize their lawns, alerts on the best time to prune roses, a section on hibiscus and a how-to on taking a cutting.
The calendar is on sale for $11.95 and can be ordered online at, or by phone at 225-578-4161.
—-Contact Ryan Buxton at [email protected]
AgCenter releases new gardening calendar – 2:30 p.m.
August 25, 2009