The LSU family lost one of its finest on Thursday morning when former Tiger goalie Robyn DesOrmeaux passed away at age 27 after a courageous battle with a rare form of bone cancer. As a former Reveille reporter, I had the privilege of interviewing Robyn in 2006. I have never met anyone who embodies the same determination, courage and raw passion that Robyn exhibited. Telling her story was a pivotal moment in my own journalism path. It was a story that reminded me why I chose to become a writer. After the story’s publication, we kept in touch through an occasional phone call or e-mail. Robyn joked that I was “going to make it big” in journalism and teased that I shouldn’t forget her if I became famous. She was more than an interview subject to me. She became a friend and a motivational force in my own life. When her cancer came back, I told Robyn that when she beat it for the second time, I would tell her story once again. It is with a heavy heart that I realize that chance will not come. With the same competitive fuel that made her a standout goalie, Robyn simply never gave up in her fight. And for that reason, to me, she joins the ranks of the greatest Fighting Tigers in LSU athletic history. She will not be forgotten.Amy BrittainColumbia UniversityJournalism graduate studentLSU Class of 2009—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letter to the Editor – Aug. 31
August 27, 2009