The Student Health Center has confirmed a total of 27 cases of Type A Influenza as of Sunday afternoon.
Christine Sullivan, nurse manager, said several more cases were confirmed Monday. She said the student flu cases are likely swine flu because the regular flu season usually does not begin until October.
“We shouldn’t be seeing flu this time of year,” Sullivan said.
Sullivan said the Health Center treated one student with a confirmed case of swine flu about two weeks ago. She said the student lived off-campus.
Sullivan said the Health Center no longer sends positive samples to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta to test for swine flu because they cost about $400 to process. She said the symptoms and treatments for Type A flu and swine flu are the same. The test for Type A flu is a simple nasal swab. Patients who test positive for either strain are treated with Tamiflu and should isolate themselves for seven days, Sullivan said.
Sullivan said swine flu symptoms are usually mild and include a dry cough, body aches and a fever.
About 20 of the confirmed cases of Type A flu were students involved in sorority recruitment. Kelli Huff, Panehellenic Council president, said Saturday those students were sent home and recruitment week events will continue as planned. Students have a higher chance of contracting the flu when coming in contact with many people, she said.
“If it wasn’t rush week, we probably wouldn’t be going through all the precautions we are because there’s so many girls in close contact,” Sullivan said.
Sullivan said any person who comes in contact with someone who has tested positive for flu should visit a doctor for treatment with Tamiflu. She said full-time students experiencing symptoms should visit the Health Center for treatment to prevent spreading the flu outside of the campus community. Sullivan said Residential Life is working with the Health Center to educate students about prevention.
Sullivan said she hopes employers and professors understand students who test positive for the flu need to stay home to avoid spreading the illness.
Students exhibiting flu-like symptoms at the Health Center are asked to wear masks to prevent spreading contagion until they are tested for the flu. Several students in the waiting room Monday around 1:30 p.m. wore masks while waiting to see a doctor.
To read more about Type A and swine flu symptoms, visit
Student Health Center confirms 27 cases of swine flu – 3 p.m.
August 17, 2009