The Student Health Center confirmed a total of 48 full-time students with Type A influenza.
Another 21 students tested positive for Type A influenza in the pasttwo days, according to the Health Center.
Fifteen cases were confirmed on Monday and another six today.
The Health Center reported 27 students with confirmed Type A influenzabetween last Monday and Sunday.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention stopped counting theexact number of H1N1 virus cases earlier this year, and all flu casesare being treated in the same fashion.
A test does exist to determine whether a case was definitely a resultof the H1N1 virus, but it is expensive and would provide no extratreatment options.
Christine Sullivan, nurse manager for the Health Center, said theyhave seen a slowing number of students coming in for testing in thepast few days.
Contact Adam Duvernay at [email protected]
Forty-eight students confirmed with Type A influenza – 3:20 p.m.
August 18, 2009