As part of an effort to make University residence halls safer and more energy efficient, the front and back doors of McVoy Hall were replaced during winter break.Jay High, communications manager for Residential Life, said the front and back entrances of the building now include glass double doors with separating mullions — a divider between the two doors. The new doors are locked by an electronic latch, High said.The project, totaling $25,000, started Dec. 17 and ended Dec. 22, said Karen Rockett, ResLife assistant director of facilities. The construction of the doors was done by ERO Door in cooperation with University Facility Services, High said.The old doors on McVoy were wooden and locked with a large magnet — the same design that can be found in most University residence halls. High said these doors have been problematic in the past, as students have cut the wires to the magnets, allowing free access to residence halls. The new electronic door latches increase building security by preventing this kind of easy tampering, High said. In addition to increased security, the doors will make the building more energy efficient. The glass double doors have an air-sweep design and a separating mullion for a tighter seal, High said.Additionally, magnet-style doors cause problems with their automatic release during power outages, which unlocks the doors, allowing anyone to come or go from the building, High said. The new electronically latched doors will revert to manual operation when power is out, he said.High said ResLife would like to eventually replace all the magnet-style doors in residence halls with doors similar to those now on McVoy.”[The new doors] look better,” said Gilisa Taylor, McVoy resident and biology freshman. –Contact Chloe Euston at [email protected]