Freshman guard Crystal Riley left the LSU women’s basketball team, coach Van Chancellor said Monday.”She just came in today and said she was going to transfer, and we signed her release to let her transfer,” Chancellor said.Chancellor said Riley traveled to LSU’s game Saturday against Connecticut. He also said Riley did not indicate anything was wrong when the team went to freshman guard Destini Hughes’ baptism Sunday night.”I thought everything was fine, but this morning it wasn’t fine,” he said. “I hate to lose a member of the team, but sometimes players have to do what they have to do.”Riley has played in five games for an average of nine minutes a game. She totaled nine points, seven rebounds and four assists on 4-of-7 shooting during those games.Sophomore guard Katherine Graham said Riley was generally positive on the sideline during the UConn game.”She was keeping us in the game, telling us what she saw on offense and defense while she was sitting and telling us we needed to box out more,” Graham said. “She was very encouraging. I don’t think there was anything sitting in her mind then.”Freshman forward Ayana Dunning was Riley’s roommate, and she said while it was Riley’s decision to leave, she will be missed.”She’s like family to us,” Dunning said. “I’m going to miss seeing her around every day … but if she thinks that’s what’s going to be best for her, then hopefully it’s a good move.”And junior guard Allison Hightower said the team “just wants the best for [Riley].””If she felt like she needed to go somewhere else to be happy, then she had to do what she had to do,” Hightower said. “We’re here for her, and we’ll give her our support if she needs it.”
Women’s Basketball: Freshman guard to transfer — 1/5
January 5, 2009