ESPN’s monopoly on sports looks like it may be coming to an end, all thanks to the work of one dedicated man — Kige RamseyDuring the past few years, because of the evolution of modern technology, the concept of the ‘instant celebrity’ has become an ever-popular trend in today’s pop culture.And now, thanks largely in part to interest amassed by some local LSU fans, a new star has emerged in Kige Ramsey, and he’s willing to offer his insight to the viewing public absolutely free of charge.The Internet sensation and sports aficionado — affectionately referred to by his enormous cell of followers as “Kige” — first spawned online in May 2007. Since then, he has produced more than 530 videos. His most popular thus far, the aptly named ‘Nicole Richie’ video, has amassed more than 56,000 views in the past few months.Kige first started gaining local notoriety in July 2007, when he began making frequent pit stops at The site, which features the most interactive and user friendly format for LSU sports fans and Internet rovers alike, currently holds an excess of 37,600 members — and not one of them garners more attention than the iconic Kige.Thus far, Kige has posted on the site more than 22,000 times, using the board as an opportunity to pitch his newest videos and ideas to avid sports fans.What makes Kige so unique is, unlike so many of his sports talk counterparts, he’s willing to post his work online for free public viewing. Virtually every video Kige has created can be found by searching on Google or fiscal prowess, Kige opts to broadcast his segments from the closed confines of his parents’ Kentucky home. Most of his filming takes place in a small alcove offset from the rest of the house, a de facto sports sanctuary filled with posters and autographs from prominent names in the Kentucky/Tennessee sportsphere.But his venues are not necessarily restricted to any particular setting. Kige has been known to occasionally film while meandering through Wal-Mart automotive aisles, his parents’ kitchen or even while driving in his mother’s blue Chrysler LeBaron through the quiet streets of Russellville, Ky., giving his viewers a taste of what the daily life of Kige Ramsey has to offer.Even more eclectic than the locations he chooses to film from are the topics he discusses.Kige covers it all, supplying his views through priceless relationship advice, medical advice, dietary advice, personal hygiene, saving money on gas and social advice. He has also spoken out about politics, offering a bulletproof package to stop illegal immigration.Kige has also cornered the market on viewer interaction, giving each of his fans a chance to pose questions, provide feedback and respond to each of his videos.Most of Kige’s segments run no longer than 50 seconds, and nearly all of them end with some form of his patented byline, “This is Kige Ramsey for YouTube sports.”It’s sad that in the age of the instant celebrity, so few quality people with strong character have emerged. Thankfully, there are exemplary individuals like Kige – who offer clean, quality entertainment and occasionally a laugh or two (or several).Whether you’re looking for advice on drafting a fantasy team or seeking the latest advice in facial cleaning matters, chances are Kige Ramsey has the answer.—-Contact Scott Burns at [email protected]
Burns after Reading: Kige Ramsey offers real solutions, free of charge
January 19, 2009