Former LSU volleyball player and assistant coach Tonya Johnson was named head coach at Georgia Tech Tuesday afternoon as announced by Yellow Jackets director of athletics Dan Radokovich.”The LSU volleyball family is excited for Tonya as she takes the next step forward in her coaching career,” LSU head coach Fran Flory said. “She is truly one of the brightest young coaches in the sport and has worked extremely hard to gain this opportunity. With her recruiting abilities along with her outstanding experience level and knowledge of the game, she will do a tremendous job leading the Georgia Tech program. We are all very proud of her and we wish her the best.”Johnson began her collegiate coaching career at the University of Kentucky in 1995 under Flory, where she spent three seasons before joining the Tiger staff in 1998.Johnson was an assistant coach at LSU from 1998-2002, helping the Tigers advance through the ranks of the SEC each season. A four-year letterwinner and former LSU team captain, the Zachary native was a member of the Tigers’ first Final Four team in 1990, winning SEC Championships in 1989 and 1990.Johnson spent the previous six seasons at Texas as the Longhorns recorded a trio of Top 10 finishes, including a trip to the 2008 Final Four.
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Volleyball: Former Lady Tiger Johnson named Georgia Tech coach – 1/9
January 9, 2009