While incoming freshmen prepare for the transition into college, worries about apartment décor and class schedules are the norm. But according to the Centers for Disease Control, the prevalence of Chlamydia among freshmen should be at the top of students’ list of concerns.College freshmen under the age of 20 are more likely to contract Chlamydia than their older peers, according to a study by Adelbert James, PhD, from Emory University, The study, which tested a group of 789 students from 10 different colleges in Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, found that Chlamydia prevalence in all students was 9.7 percent, while the prevalence among the 263 freshmen was 13 percent.”The fact that [Chlamydia] is bacterial is going to make it more prevalent,” said Hope McPhatter, Wellness Education Coordinator. “Bacterial infections, in general, are easier to contract because … they can be easily cured. People take less precautions.”While the University’s Student Health Center cannot accurately track the exact number of University students tested positive for Chlamydia, the trend among students who get tested at the Health Center seems to correlate with the study.Out of the 2,097 students tested at the Health Center in 2008, 1.4 percent — or 29 people — tested positive for Gonorrhea, while a significantly higher amount, 6.8 percent — or 143 students — tested positive for Chlamydia.”Chlamydia is definitely one of the most common STDs, especially around a college campus,” said McPhatter.But just because the STD is common does not mean it’s harmless, McPhatter said. Chlamydia, if left untreated, can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and sterility in women.”The younger the woman is is definitely a factor,” said McPhatter “A younger girl’s [cervical cells] are immature, making her more susceptible to STD contraction. That’s another reason why a freshman is more likely to contract Chlamydia.”This boom of Chlamydial infection among young adults has prompted universities nationwide to educate college students about sexual health.Aside from the Health Center and Wellness Education Department, the University is reaching out to students early through freshmen orientation presentations and student organizations like Student Health Advocates, which McPhatter advises.”I found, from going into the dorms and doing presentations on STDs, that a lot of freshmen just weren’t presented with … anything considering sexual health,” said Laura Rachal, University aluma former SHA president. “Freshmen are more likely to try new things. And though safer decisions can elude anyone … from my experience in the residence halls, it’s always the freshmen who are uninformed.”The Health Center, along with SHA, now use freshmen orientation as an opportunity to inform incoming and more unaware students about the importance of sexual health through skits and presentations, Rachal said.”Even if [freshmen] think they know all about STDs, believe me, there’s a lot more out there to know,” Rachal said. “The SHA club itself is helpful because … sometimes it’s easier to talk to one of your friends or peers about [sexual health.]”Aside from making an appointment at the Student Health Center, the “Ask Mike” page located on the Wellness Education Department’s Web site is a good way for “the scared freshman” to ask anonymous questions about sexual health, said McPhatter.Also, starting in fall 2009, mystudentbody.com, which has an alcohol course every freshman must complete, will be adding an STD module to the Web site in order to help students obtain vital sexual health information, McPhatter said.”It’s very important for us to try to teach those healthy sexual behaviors early,” McPhatter said. “Because what you do now shapes what you do as an adult.”—-Contact Natalie Roy at [email protected]
Study shows freshmen more prone to Chlamydia
June 11, 2009