“Cash Me Outside” remixes have been plaguing the internet since Danielle Bregoli’s appearance on “Dr. Phil” last year, and they are further lowering the standard of what it means to be famous.
STARS: 1/5
Looking 20 years old in her Instagram pictures, Bregoli is actually a mere 13. In her appearance on the daytime talkshow, this young girl with a traumatic background coined the phrase, “Cash me outside, how bow dah?”
The phrase went viral on the internet, and some viewers recognized its remix potential. Some remixes included Bregoli, Dr. Phil, and the audience’s facial expressions to the clips to add a little something extra. Twitter users retweeted, Facebook users shared and YouTube users subscribed.
The “Cash Me Outside, How Bow Dah” Jersey mix is golden as it also combines Starrkeisha Cheer Squad clips with the “Dr. Phil” footage. Although, it’s equally terrifying.
Bregoli is now in the public eye for the all the wrong reasons. She isn’t famous because she said something meaningful or did something important. She is famous because she genuinely thought the audience was laughing at her and she wanted to fight them.
Her coined phrase is harmless and warrants some laughs, but those laughs may be more harmful than they seem. This young girl is being rewarded for being violent and rude, and her behavior is being glamorized.
Another remix is a little slower, and the YouTube video even included the character Napoleon Dynamite from the 2004 comedy of the same name dancing. I’ll give that one points for creativity because I watched that video all the way through.
Bregoli has multiple remixes — hype ones at that — but they all contribute to the potential demise of a lost teenager who has been given fame and fortune for being a terrible person. Now, you run the risk of sending a similar message to other impressionable teens and college students.
This publicity shows how being a terrible person could literally earn you money, whereas being kind of “good” might just give you a good feeling. Which one sounds more appealing, especially when you’ve maybe fallen off of the good person wagon?
Granted, it wouldn’t be impossible to get back on the good person train, but it would be difficult.
This girl has 3.4 million followers on Instagram and her profile looks like that of a famous 20-year-old.
The bottom line is, Bregoli got famous for saying that she wanted to meet the hoes outside to fight.