Too often I hear the plight of my peers. With no moral support from their families, college is a constant struggle.
College is a time of growth. Or so they say.
When you’re in the heat of the fire — three exams, two quizzes, a tutoring session and a project all due the same day — the growing feels a lot like going up in flames. It’s hard to remember the end goal when you already forgot about the quiz due 20 minutes ago.
Not to mention the stress of remembering you have to work shifts at your actual job in between the demands of school to ensure you won’t be eating ramen for the next two weeks.
College is hard. They don’t tell you about all the nights you’ll spend crying, trying to hold your life together by the last thread of your greasy, unwashed mane. They don’t tell you what to do when you catch the “LSU plague” and have to miss a full week of class because you can barely move.
Like most high school students, I couldn’t wait to get to college. It was a gleaming opportunity to me. The chance to learn, explore and innovate thrilled me. The reality of college was much different than what I expected.
I wanted to be independent and self-reliant. I wanted to find, pursue and conquer my passions. I certainly wasn’t going to rely on anyone to hold my hand to get me through the tough stuff. I was an empowered young woman, and good golly, I was going to get everything I wanted out of college if it was the last thing I did.
The go-it-alone mentality gave me a harsh reality check my first semester of college. I realized I wasn’t invincible, despite my prior assurances.
I needed the love and support of my family.
I needed my mother’s loving touch at 12 a.m. during midterms week when my anxiety was through the roof. I needed the consolation of my father, who loved and believed in my international passions, even when I was unsure of them myself. I needed and still need my family, who continues to offer peace in the sea of turmoil I call life.
College students face countless challenges throughout their college careers. Self-doubt is inevitable as major changes, life obstacles and crushing defeats suck the life out of you.
I don’t think enough recognition is given to the families who try to adapt to meet the needs of their students, whether by offering moral support or general guidance. Here’s to appreciating the support systems in the world who understand the persistent struggles of college students in their time of growth and discovery.
I realize not everyone is blessed with the same support system. Many people don’t have a network of supporters standing behind them, cheering them on. It’s no fault of their own. What we can all do is recognize college is much easier when you have people on your team reassuring you. It’s as simple as lending an ear, a hand or a heart to a college student in need.
Alaina DiLaura is a 20-year-old international studies and mass communication sophomore from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Opinion: Familial support can be uplifting for college students
March 26, 2017
Cartoon: Familial support