Over a month has passed since International Women’s Day, yet tensions remain high regarding the placement of a 50-inch “Fearless Girl” statue near Wall Street.
On March 7, 2017, the eve of International Women’s Day, a statue of a small girl was strategically positioned in opposition to the iconic “Charging Bull” statue. “Fearless Girl,” a piece designed by artist Kristen Visbal, was commissioned by State Street Global Advisors as part of its campaign to increase the number of women on their client’s corporate boards.
Shockingly, about one-quarter of the approximate 35,000 Russell 3000 Index companies have no women at all on their boards. Even State Street Global Advisors is guilty of gender inequality. Of its 11 corporate board members, only three are women. The statue is a reminder of the work remaining to ensure gender equality in the workplace.
Visbal told The Wall Street Journal the statue was based off of her friend’s 7-year-old daughter and a 9-year-old Latina girl.
“This is a piece of work all women of any age, shape, color or creed can relate to,” said Visbal. “A work which reminds us today’s working women is here to stay and has taken her place in the nation’s financial district.”
I think the symbolism of “Fearless Girl” extends far beyond the financial sector of America. Her rays extend to women and girls around the country as a resolute reminder of the influence of women. With her high tops laced and her chin held high, “Fearless Girl” is a symbol of the power, determination, and equality of all women in America. She’s defiant to the power and intimidation of the bull’s gaze and remains steadfast in her stature.
It’s no secret the workplace for many women is a shark tank. “Fearless Girl” is a visual reminder that anything a man can do, a woman can do, too.
“Charging Bull” sculptor Arturo Di Modica claims “Fearless Girl” distorts the bull’s meaning, which is supposed to represent American strength, and has insisted the statue be removed.
Di Modica said the placement of the “Fearless Girl” statue misconstrues the original meaning of his work and violates his copyright. He insists the statue be moved elsewhere as she is “attacking the bull.”
“I put it there for art. My bull is a symbol for America. My bull is a symbol of prosperity and for strength,” he said.
To me, if the bull represents prosperity, it seems only fitting the girl remain in its line of vision, as women are equally as important to the prosperity of America as men. Di Modica shouldn’t cower under the pressure of the powerful symbolism of the girl, but rather both statues should remain in place as a reminder of the progression and evolution of America.
“What this girl represents is the present, but also the future,” Stephen Tisdalle, chief marketing officer at SSGA said in an interview. “She’s not angry at the bull — she’s confident, she knows what she’s capable of, and she’s wanting the bull to take note.”
“Fearless Girl” has a legal fight ahead of her in the courtroom, but I believe that, like women around the country fighting for gender equality, she will not back down and will remain a symbol of the strength and determination of women everywhere.
Alaina DiLaura is a 20-year-old international studies and mass communication sophomore from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Opinion: “Fearless Girl” statue steadfast symbol for gender equality in the workplace
April 20, 2017

The statue of the “Fearless Girl” was erected on the eve of International Women’s Day and remains in place today.