Liberals have taken quite a beating lately.
On March 14, ultra liberal propagandist Rachel Maddow hyped her possession of President Donald Trump’s 1040 long form tax return from 2005. Maddow, who hosts a nightly television show on MSNBC and serves as an arm for the Democratic Party, effectively self-sabotaged the Democratic campaign narrative that he paid no taxes at all.
After Maddow revealed that Trump paid approximately $36.5 million in federal taxes on approximately $153 million in earnings in 2005, it was discovered his tax rate was roughly 25 percent. Not surprisingly, this was higher than former President Barack Obama in 2015 (18.7%), as well as socialist nutjob Bernie “Santa Claus” Sanders in 2014 (13.5%). Frankly, I hadn’t seen anyone so embarrassed since election night, when her smug campaign declarations that Trump couldn’t win shattered what little credibility she had as a political pundit.
As if the astronomical gun crime statistics coming out of “gun free” Chicago weren’t enough, the liberal anti-gun narrative was also on the receiving end of yet another swift blow on March 27, when Zachary Peters of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, utilized an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle in self-defense.
Jaykob Woodriff, 16, Jacob Redfern, 17, and Maxwell Cook, 19, were shot and killed by Peters after they broke into his home clad in all black, with one intruder armed with brass knuckles and another armed with a knife, allegedly to burglarize items from the home. 21-year-old Elizabeth Rodriguez has been charged with their murders due to her complicity in being the getaway driver.
Leroy Schumacher, Jacob Redfern’s grandfather, deemed the boys’ predicament unfair, claiming, “Brass knuckles against an AR-15, come on, who was afraid for their life?”
Uh, the person who had their home broken into? How is the victim of a home invasion supposed to know the weaponry an intruder brought along, and why does the perpetrator deserve a fair fight? All three earned a dirt nap. The right to defend oneself deserves to be defended in the face of idealist gun control measures.
On April 15 in Berkeley, California, a local chapter of radical leftist group Antifa took to the streets to combat a peaceful “Patriots Day” pro-Trump rally, sparking yet another clash between the two groups. The first occurred in early February, prior to an appearance by conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopolous, and saw attendees get assaulted by Antifa, which also caused approximately $100,000 in damage to the Berkeley campus. This time, rally attendees met fire with fire.
Louise Rosealma, a hair-centric amateur pornstar, attended the Trump rally in protest and expressed harmful intent to conservatives by declaring that she was “determined to bring back 100 nazi scalps” via Facebook. Rosealma, who attended the rally with a weighted SAP glove on her right hand, entered the melee and subsequently got punched in the face by a male. Normally I would disagree with such an action, but then I’d be shamed for assuming what gender she identifies as. Lose-lose situation.
Moral of the stories: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Christopher Godail is a 27-year-old interdisciplinary studies junior from Kenner, Louisiana.
Opinion: Liberals losing more than just elections
By Chris Godail
April 19, 2017
Rachel Maddow revealed President Donald Trump’s 2005 tax return on her show on March 14.