The foundation for an oasis off Burbank Drive will be laid on Monday and will be ready for tigers to dip their paws in by fall 2017.
Sammy Nagem, the owner of Sammy’s Grill, is partnering with Chris Shaheen, a real estate broker based in Baton Rouge, to build The Oasis – a recreational development that will sit on six acres across from Lakeside Daiquiri & Grill.
The Oasis will be a spin on the typical sports bar and will include Sammy’s Creole Cabana – a spin-off of Sammy’s Grill with a different menu – as well as a 5,000 sq ft covered open air patio and bar, five sand volleyball courts, 18-round virtual golf, a live music stage and a 20-ft outdoor theater screen that will showcase movies and sports games.
The plan to start on the building begins at the end of April, Shaheen said, while Nagem is in the process of finalizing the menu for the restaurant.
Sand volleyball will be the main recreational sport, people will have the opportunity to sign up for a league.
Shaheen said they are looking at adding other sports for people to compete in leagues in such as kickball, wiffle ball and flag football.
The Oasis will occupy six of the ten acres that Shaheen currently owns. He said he has plans for building future developments on the property.
The project has been under plans for five years due to financing, finding the right restaurant operator and waiting on Nagem to finish a buyout deal.
Shaheen said The Oasis will also take reservations for private events, reunions, sports bar parties and will possibly start a sorority and fraternity league as well.
For more information and to sign up for email updates on sand volleyball or to leave suggestions for The Oasis, visit
Sammy’s Grill owner partners with real estate broker to build The Oasis
April 5, 2017
The Oasis plan rendering