Times are changing, but that doesn’t mean old-fashioned dating habits have to.
In today’s casual “hook up” culture, remembering a time where dating was more than commitment-free flings and technology-driven flirtation is nearly impossible.
What happened to the days of telling people how you really feel?
The internet has done wonders for global communication and interconnectedness. However, technology has had a detrimental influence on romantic relationships. Gone are the days where you had to summon the courage and pick up the phone to ask someone out on a date. Now, it’s the detached text, “Hey, wanna hang out?”, “Wyd?” or, “Let’s get drinks.”
“Dating culture has evolved to a cycle of text messages, each one requiring the code-breaking skills of a cold war spy to interpret,” said Shani Silver, social media and blog manager in Philadelphia.
As a young, millennial woman, I can personally say I do not have the time or the energy to channel my inner Nancy Drew just to figure out what a guy means by his text messages. If you’re interested, tell me you’re interested.
There’s no point in hiding behind a text message. Forget your fears, pick up the phone and ask your partner on a real date. It shows real maturity and separates you from the rest of the pack.
As for planning the date?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a greasy cheeseburger and crispy French fries kind of girl. I’m all for rolling out of bed at 1 p.m. after a night on the town to satisfy my dollar menu cravings.
But, wouldn’t it be romantic to be taken out on a real date every now and then? There’s no feeling like putting on that little black dress and getting dolled up for your man or woman. When your partner puts time and effort into planning a real date, it gives you something to look forward to.
After they agree to the date, which they likely will, thanks to your genuine interest, it’s time to lay the foundations of old-school dating techniques.
First, make sure you’re on time to pick your date up. Nobody likes waiting for their date to grace their presence. If you told me to expect you at 8:00 p.m., and 8:40 p.m. rolls around before I receive the unenthusiastic “Here,” text, it’s likely I’m feeling a wee bit agitated.
Wait, let’s take it back a step.
Pick up your date. And I’ll say it again: Pick up your date. Even if it means going 30 minutes out of your way, picking up your partner for a date speaks volumes and shows them you truly want to spend time with them.
So now you’re on the date.
What do you do? How do you act?
Being polite and attentive is crucial to the success of a date. There’s nothing more frustrating than when I’m passionately talking at someone who is more focused on their social media profile than our conversation.
Imagine that, while at dinner, the two of you have a real conversation instead of spending an hour and a half staring at your phone screens. Think of how much you could learn about the other person if you took the time to truly listen to them.
Isn’t that the point of dating?
The date goes well and you’re interested, so you ask him or her out for a second date, and then a third.
Eventually, it’s time to define the relationship.
Please, please, please, at all costs, avoid using the terms “talking” or “hanging out.” Those terms are vague, dismissive and, most of all, cheap.
It’s not that I’m saying relationships are about going above and beyond for your partner all the time. It’s about doing little things — showing up with flowers on occasion, telling them you love the way their eyes light up and going dancing instead of to the local pub — to show your partner you are actively interested in being with them.
So how do we bring old-school traditions into modern dating culture?
We demand the attention and respect of our partners. In doing so, we must remember that relationships are a two-way street. To receive, you must also give.
Let’s stop hanging out, and let’s start going steady.
Alaina DiLaura is a 20-year-old international studies and mass communication sophomore from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.