You may have run into them before. Emails in your LSU inbox asking to verify your account information, most of them asking for your username and password.
It’s one of the most common types of phishing, according to IT Services Communications and Planning Officer Sheri Thompson.
“Phishing usually comes in the form of emails. That’s what we’re seeing right now,” Thompson said. ”But it can also come in the form of phone calls, it’s any exploit to get you to give away some of your personal information, credentials. Those things for malicious purposes.”
Email phishing has been a prominent issue since the very beginning of email itself. But recently, the University has seen a spike in email phishing activity.
Thompson said spam bots have recently been seen sending out emails pretending to be from LSU’s ITS Help Desk. She added that when receiving these sorts of emails, it’s always important to be skeptical.
“Be skeptical, be skeptical about any links that you get, any request for information that you get. Even if it says it’s coming from an LSU person, skeptical.”
If the University does need some type of email or account verification, Thompson said it will always be able to be traced through the myLSU site, unlike the look-alike phishing emails.
For more information on phishing, or if you wish to report a phishing incident, visit You can also contact the ITS Help Desk at 225-578-3375 or email at [email protected].