STARS: 3/5
Released nearly a year after the election of President Donald Trump, documentary “11/8/16” depicts Election Day through the eyes of 16 people across the country in an eye-opening and emotional narrative.
The film is segmented into morning, afternoon and evening. In the morning, activists are bustling in attempt to get people to the polls, while others are carrying on about their day as usual. However, everyone is commenting on the importance of the election and what it will mean for our country.
The afternoon brings a slower pace as people settle into their decisions and wait, and with the evening comes what everyone’s been waiting for. People are on edge, both nervous and excited.
As viewers, we get the perspectives of the working man, the small business owner, the immigrant worker, the college student, a man voting in his first election after being falsely imprisoned for 30 years, a homeless Hawaiian man, a managing editor of the Los Angeles Times and even one of Hillary Clinton’s videographers. This allows for people of all political affiliations to go through a day in another person’s shoes.
Because of this, viewers feel as if they are finally getting the whole story on all party affiliations. What were people’s hopes and fears? Why did they support one candidate over another? The documentary provides insight into the results that shocked many Americans.
Viewers can grasp the emotions associated with the outcome of the election from both sides. Throughout the film, Trump supporters aren’t even confident that their candidate will win. Clinton supporters are ever-hopeful, perhaps even prematurely celebrating her victory.
The film does an excellent job portraying the sadness of all Clinton supporters, showing how they feel their futures and those of their families and friends are now in jeopardy.
One of the most powerful aspects of the film is its attempts to humanize members of each party. Throughout the election, it seemed that regardless of what side you were on, you were a monster in the eyes of the opposing party. Here, we see Trump supporters trying to make ends meet for their families — hardworking individuals who consider themselves the backbone of America. We also see families who are jeopardized by this election, as they are threatened by deportation laws.
While the director attempts to be objective, one can’t help but favor the Clinton supporters as they start the day with so much hope and end in fear. However, the documentary makes a point to end on a cry for hope.
Trump supporters look toward the future as their candidate promises to bring about change, and Clinton supporters attempt to rally in positivity and solidarity for whatever is to come.