We live in a beautiful world full of opportunity, fueled by technological and cultural advances. It’s a world where we can all connect with one another and share our ideas. It is also a world full of hate, anger and disagreement. These traits are what cause wars and genocides. This evil is the result of people being incapable of accepting others having differing opinions.
Almost all of us have experienced seeing a pointless argument on social media somewhere. Someonwe says something, and someone else doesn’t agree. They go back and forth over why their opinion is the right opinion, probably using some derogatory words and being unpleasant. All for both of them to finish the argument continuing to have the same opinion they had in the first place. They’ve both wasted their time defending their opinions when they could have simply accepted they don’t have to agree on the subject.
With all occurring in the world, we have to somehow find peace. Tensions are incredibly high in our country. A 2016 Gallup poll showed 77 percent of Americans feel the nation is divided on important values. It’s becoming a serious issue that will only get worse if we don’t separate from our egotism and allow others to be different.
Take for example the infamous kneeling during the national anthem. The opinions on the subject vary greatly, and thanks to new technology we can discover how other people feel with the swipe of a cell phone. However, it is a major cause for hate and tension among Americans.
“The anthem is different for other people. You know, people say it’s unpatriotic but it’s unpatriotic of the president not to respect our rights,” Tampa Bay wide receiver Mike Evans said in an interview.
His view acknowledges both sides. He understands some people will and will not agree with the cause, however, at the end of the day it is the right of the
American people to decide to protest. This opinion gives people the freedom to feel what they wish to feel, and people will still find a reason to disagree with him.
I don’t believe people will accept others’ opinions, I also don’t believe it’s responsible to let people be uninformed of reality just because of the defense of their opinion. However, it is important we learn to coexist with one another with the acceptance that people will have differing opinions, all while maintaining our logic and credibility. We can’t and won’t agree with everything said, but we can choose to allow others to have their opinions while still having our own.
The best way to go about avoiding conflict of opinions is by reinforcing that all people have opinions and it’s OK if everyone doesn’t agree. People should remember the childhood saying: “Opinions are like belly buttons. Everybody has one.”
Chantelle Baker is a 20-year-old communication studies senior from Waipahu, Hawaii.
Opinion: Acceptance the only way to obtain peace
November 3, 2017
Representatives of the country of Uganda speak to interested visitors about their country on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016 at the John M. Parker Coliseum.