Once upon a time, women were seen as dirty for their menstruation. Now, most women on their periods live the same everyday lives they live when they aren’t on their periods. Women still go to work and class and handle their daily responsibilities. Whether you believe it or not, women are still having sex on their periods, too.
We’ve come a long way from towels and rags. It’s entirely acceptable to be the sexual individuals we are today. There shouldn’t be anything stopping us from fulfilling our sexual desires especially not a little bit of blood. Women struggle enough having to bleed every month and deal with the pains that come with it. It’s torture to have to take sex away too.
Cramps can be debilitating. Many women suffer greatly from angry uteruses, and sex can be a great natural method to relieve them. The intensity of orgasms cause the uterine muscles to contract and relieve those cramps. It can also improve other symptoms such as irritability and crankiness.
Even doctors approve period sex. Tara Ford, a physician assistant at the Medical Center for Female Sexuality, states as long as the participants are comfortable, there’s no reason to take a break from having sex. She says “it’s perfectly natural and safe for both partners.
The greatest complaint about period sex is the mess being made. However, it’s 2017, and we have so many resources to make it less of a problem. For example, many are aware that having sex in the shower can help relieve the bloody build-up by mixing it with the water. There has also recently been an increase in feminine products like period discs. These products are inserted into the vaginal canal to capture the blood directly from the cervix, and they are safe to wear during sexual activity. They contain the blood making it virtually mess free.
Of course people still need to take precautions when having period sex. Regardless of what people have been told growing up, though it isn’t probable, a woman can still get pregnant on her period. Women with irregular cycles have a higher chance because sperm can live for up to five days in a woman’s body. If she begins ovulating earlier than normal, she has a chance to conceive.
It is also true that STDs are more easily spread when having sex while menstruating. Doctors aren’t exactly sure why, but there are a few things that may play into it such as the woman’s cervix being more open and menstrual blood causing skin irritation increasing susceptibility. Having safe sex is important at all times, regardless of what point of her cycle a woman is in.
Reminder: it’s just blood. We all have blood in us, and we all have bled in one way or another. Yes, period blood also includes uterine lining and some vaginal fluids, but it isn’t dangerous. The sex is still the same and can even be better due to the extra lubrication from the blood.
We know the perks of sex. We know how great sex can make us feel. It can bring intimacy for partners and be a means for building trust on both sides. There’s no reason for sex to be “put on hold” for a possible five to seven days. Period sex may be a little gory, but it’s certainly glorious.
Chantelle Baker is a 20-year-old communication studies senior from Waipahu, Hawaii.