“American Horror Story” has always been known for its outlandish blend of camp and horror, and the installment’s seventh season is no exception. For some reason, however, “Cult,” has an entirely different feel than its six predecessors.
I’m not sure if it’s the way this season confronts us head-on with the very real terrors of the present or the way it exaggerates the various stereotypes it presents, but “Cult” feels distinctively of the moment, a feat the show has yet to achieve with previous seasons.
It may seem early to give such praise, but the timeliness may not actually work in the show’s favor. Often, the references to current issues like immigration, terrorism, climate change, white feminism and racism feel overblown and forced.
It’s admirable that “Cult” is bringing up these concerns, but the show is not adding anything new to the necessary conversations surrounding these topics in doing so. The show is too overt in its political commentary, focusing on absolute stereotypes rather than real people. It’s often the subtlest productions that are able to have the biggest effect on an audience, exhibited through recent films like “Get Out.”
“Cult” is still able to successfully tell the story of a Michigan Democrat (Sarah Paulson) losing her grip on reality after Donald Trump’s election, but the motivation for telling this story still remains unclear. Events seem to be happening to the characters arbitrarily, and the dialogue seems to be especially bizarre without any specific purpose.
This particular season benefits from actually producing scares, similar to the last installment “Roanoke,” with a terrifying combination of both psychological and visceral horror. The killer cult, the visions of demented clowns and the bee-keeping gun-toting neighbors create a very tense and chaotic atmosphere, mirroring the psychosis Paulson’s character seems to be slowly falling into. As for what’s real, we’re just as confused as she is.
Episode two, “Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark,” reinforced that this season of “American Horror Story” still does not know where it’s headed, but at least we know it will be bloody and filled with clowns. Even though much of this episode felt repetitive and tired, the cliffhanger will keep me tuned in next week.