In a school of over 20,000 students, it is no surprise that sickness seems to spread very quickly throughout campus. With flu season approaching, many students will likely look to the LSU Student Health Center for treatment. Julie Hupperich, associate director of the health center, explains what flu season means to the health center staff.
With the flu being an easily spread infection, the health center does what it can to help protect students against the illness by giving out free flu shots to full-time students. They will be hosting their annual Flu Shots on the Geaux campaign which will begin October second and end the fifth. Each day, they will be set up at different locations throughout campus including the Business Education Complex, the UREC, Middleton Library, and the Student Union.
Hupperich offers advice as to how students can maintain their health this fall which includes getting enough sleep, eating well, staying hydrated, and getting some exercise. While these tips can’t prevent the flu or any other sickness completely, it is important to keep our bodies healthy in order to boost our immune systems in order to help fight off any illnesses.
For more information on the LSU Student Health Center and what it has to offer, you can visit their website at
LSU Student Health Center addresses upcoming flu season
September 12, 2017