With 10 seconds remaining prior to the commencement of the new year, the Legacy Arena of Birmingham exuded energy from over 20,000 music lovers anticipating Lorin Ashton’s first bass drop of 2017. Neon blue, cotton candy pink and sunset golden balloons glistened under fluorescent beams, while sound waves relentlessly pounded and carved their passage through the air, luring spectators deeper into Bassnectar’s musical and spiritual journey.
Fascinatingly, despite extraordinary diversity amidst the arena, the ambiance was one of community and sentiment. Each individual purged the ache and despair felt in 2016 by relinquishing their pain to the music in order to pave the way for a promising future.
The intricate, yet subtle changes in frequency claimed complete control over the crowd, dictating the tempo and rhythm of those encompassed by the sound. The energy was indescribable as Bassnectar created living, breathing art for the masses on an impressive set of production screens.
One common misconception regarding bass music culture is that it encourages drug use. Drug culture, however, is a part of all music culture, thus the blame should not be relegated to one specific genre of music. Rap songs such as Kanye West’s “Mercy,” Trinidad James’ “All Gold Everything,” and Rihanna’s “Diamonds” all explicitly reference the use of MDMA, so placing the responsibility of ensuring a drug-free music culture solely onto bass music lovers is unfair.
Interestingly, many electronic music festivals such as Electric Forest maintain specific camping areas for participants interested in curating a completely drug-free experience. Providing a healthy environment for everyone to experience bass music culture equally assures an enjoyable musical encounter for all.
“It’s about the show itself and how every show is a different experience,” says basshead Lucas in an interview with the Vice channel Thump.
Reflecting on such a remarkable yet bewildering occurrence led to my inquiry into the relationship between bass sounds and human emotion. Watching thousands move in harmony in accordance with sound, only one thought came to mind: worship the music.
Attending a Bassnectar production has the potential to be a curative experience. According to Harvard Health, music therapy treatments are proven to aid with rehabilitation and pain relief. By identifying how music evokes emotional responses, professionals are able to relax or stimulate individuals.
The passion and emotion cultivated throughout a Bassnectar set is incomparable to any other. As an observer, it is astonishing to partake in such a unifying experience. Looking unto a crowd of thousands of humans fully experiencing and emotionally connecting with sound is overwhelming to say the least.
Feeding off the energy of other bass music lovers inspires confidence and contributes to the positive energy emanating from the environment.
“I think it’s better to focus on humanitarian issues and how to make people feel empowered and how to promote community and health and happiness, and if music can align with that, that’s great,” explains Bassnectar in an interview with Insomniac’s Katie Bain.
Bassnectar is notorious for instilling underlying messages in his productions to enhance the experience. Paired with spellbinding visuals, the bass creates an abstract form of psychotherapy that cleanses and renews the soul.
Aside from health benefits, there are many emotional and mental advantages to releasing emotion at a Bassnectar show. By tantalizing individuals with unpredictability, Bassnectar exercises complete control over the crowd’s feelings and takes them on an emotional rollercoaster.
From the sweetest melodies to the most ferocious distortions, each sound generated consumes participants in a unique way. As the tempo speeds up and slows down, the crowd’s energy adjusts, a sea of individuals united as one.
Attending a Bassnectar production generates an experience that exceeds all expectations and surpasses those derived from attending a typical concert. Bassnectar sets are often so spiritual that the encounter can be likened to a divine experience. Like clockwork, each time the room begins to fill with bass, genuine emotion reveals itself in a nearly tangible form.
Only after suffering through what seems like eternity does one find relief as the bass finally drops.
Here, in the safety of a community of like-minded individuals, each person has an equal opportunity to experience the healing power of bass music culture.
Despite his extraordinary influence, when referred to as a movement rather than a DJ, Bassnectar refutes, “I’m not trying to lead a movement. I am just trying to inspire and promote health and happiness.”
Alaina DiLaura is a 20-year-old international studies and mass communication sophomore from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Opinion: Bass culture has therapeutic effects despite misconceptions of drug involvement
January 14, 2017
Bass culture creates an intimate connection between the audience and sound.