BATON ROUGE- The LSU Golden Girls held their first clinic of the 2017 audition season this past Saturday.
Over 50 girls attended the clinic with hopes of one day being one of those glittering girls in gold.
The clinics will help prepare the girls for auditions on April 22nd.
“It really truly explains and sets out the expectations that are required for the try out,” Golden Girl Captain Lauren Daniel said.
Auditionees get the opportunity to learn choreography from the Golden Girl Captains and get a taste of what the extensive audition process will be like this Spring.
“It also helps build their confidence and maintaining that confidence and belief in themselves which is really really important in our tryouts,” Daniel said.
Every year the Golden Girls bring in close to 100 girls at auditions but only 18 will get a spot on the team.
This clinic was one of three that will be held throughout the audition season.
The next will be on March 4th at the Tiger Band Hall.