In 1916, Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves based on his general theory of relativity. In 2015, scientists with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory Scientific Collaboration confirmed Einstein’s prediction, becoming the first to directly observe ripples in the space-time continuum.
Scientists have been searching for more than half a century for gravitational waves. These waves are derived from some of the most fantastic cosmic events, from the collision of black holes or small, dense neutron stars. Up until recently, these occurrences have been undetected.
The Advanced LIGO Project, which used detectors in Louisiana and Washington to search for gravitational waves, made a groundbreaking discovery on Sept. 14, 2015, and opened the door to an entirely new field of scientific inquiry: gravitational wave astronomy.
Humanity now has the ability to see beyond what was originally thought possible. “You’re opening your eyes — in this case, our ears — to a new set of signals from the universe that our previous technologies did not allow us to receive, study and learn from,” LIGO team member Vassiliki Kalogera told
Without critical funding for these innovative technologies from the National Science Foundation, meaningful discoveries like this would be impossible.
The NSF is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 “to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity and welfare; and to secure the national defense.”
Humanity is in the midst of a new era of exploration, fueled by curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. Solutions to real-world problems like climate change, sustainability and national defense are derived from scientific research. In a sense, scientific research and discovery has the ability to unite people around the world and break down cultural and social barriers to open the door to fruitful international collaboration.
American citizens have a huge stake in making sure the NSF remains in operation, as it is the funding source for approximately 24 percent of all federally supported basic research taking place at American colleges and universities. It is the university’s mission to push the boundaries of human and scientific knowledge, a task that is impossible without monetary support. Less funding means less opportunities for students to gain hands-on learning experience.
Although the 18.2 percent increase in funding the NSF gained between the years of 2007 and 2017 seems substantial, researchers need time to run experiments, gather and analyze data and confirm findings, a process that is typically costly.
Some have questioned whether the discovery of gravitational waves was worth the $1.1 billion invested into project, but there is no doubt that the discovery was revolutionary.
Through this discovery, scientists have confirmed the existence of black holes and retrieved information about aspects of the dark universe and origin of gravitational waves that could not otherwise be obtained and recorded.
By providing us with solid information about ourselves and the world around us, based on factual, repeatable, measurable and determinable results, scientific research commands investment.
Opinion: Confirmation of gravitational waves proves need to fund scientific research
January 25, 2017
The Advanced LIGO Project scientists, through their discovery, have opened the door to a new field of scientific inquiry called gravitational wave astronomy.