After a deadly mid-season finale, ABC’s “How to Get Away with Murder” returned Thursday to make us weep over fictional characters once more.
STARS: 4/5
Viola Davis continues to rise to the top of the acting stratosphere as the fierce Annalise Keating — only this season, she’s a little less bite-and-bark and a little more stuck-in-a-jail-cell.
The mid-season opener “We’re All Bad People” is split between the aftermath of the murder of Wes Gibbins (Alfred Enoch) and pinnacle moments of his relationship with Annalise (Davis) and the Keating five. This flashback-flashforward style is familiar to fans of the show, but under director Jennifer Getzinger, there’s a somber feel to each scene.
In the scenes from the past, there’s a colorful and natural light to every innocent moment. The present-day scenes are filtered with dark lighting and shadows, making the grief of the Keating five ever-present.
The time jumps in this episode aren’t for story building. Their intent is to put viewers into the mindset of each character and the emotions that consume them. “We’re Bad People” doesn’t drive the plot of HTGAWM. The twists don’t come until the last moment, because this episode is character-driven and emotional.
Important characters have often died on the show but not the central ones — however, because of the setup of the series, we won’t really lose Enoch’s character, but Gibbins is already missed in this episode.
This season is sure to offer an abundance of twists and turns, as Enoch told Access Hollywood that viewers will see everything that happens to Gibbins from the time he left the police station to the time of his death.
“How to Get Away With Murder” in its third season is still fresh and exciting and keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.