Whitney Williston
The LSU lettering stands strong while debris clutters the tennis courts on Jan. 13, 2017, at the corner of West Chimes Street and Dalrymple Drive.
The old tennis court facility on Cypress Dr. will be repurposed to become the LSU beach volleyball facility, according to LSU Athletics.
Associate Athletic Director Emmett David said on Friday the goal is to have the facility complete by March 2018. The University’s athletic department will fund the repurposing, David said.
“It’s the best repurpose use of a facility,” David said. “Saving dollars and time.”
Final designs for the facility are expected be done within the next two to four months, David said, with construction work to start in six to eight months.
Sand volleyball became a University varsity sport in 2014, according to LSU Athletics. It was the latest sport added to LSU’s lineup of teams, with women’s soccer and softball added in the 1996-97 athletic year.