The Old Engineering Building is more of an interactive pottery barn this week.Internationally acclaimed studio potter and author Andrew Martin is teaching a three-day workshop that explores both his creative process and the technical process of pottery making.Andrew Gilliatt, Ceramic Artist Student Association president and ceramic graduate student, said Martin contacted them about coming to teach a workshop.”It’s nice that our reputation of a ceramics program proceeded us a little,” Gilliatt said. “We had to jump at the opportunity to do this.”Martin’s demonstration began today with his method of designing pottery forms using paper cutouts and templates in room 154 in the Old Engineering Building.Martin said by folding paper and cutting it in different ways, he can create shapes and patterns that haven’t been discovered or used yet by anyone. Martin will continue to demonstrate his mold-making process and will introduce his decoration techniques tomorrow and Friday in room 154 in the Old Engineering Building from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Martin will also have a slide lecture on Thursday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in room 103 of the Old Engineering Building.—-Contact Mary Walker Baus at [email protected]
Internationally acclaimed artist teaches three-day pottery seminar — 2:15 p.m.
March 17, 2010