A mentally handicapped prostitute and a physically abusive couple are among the characters spotlighted in the LSU Theatre Department’s production of “The Crackwalker.”The play, by Judith Thompson, is currently running in Shaver Theatre in the Music and Dramatic Arts Building. It tells the story of five marginalized people attempting to escape their nightmarish realities. “Crackwalker” has emerged as a staple on the Canadian theater stage and has been placed in the Norton Anthology of Drama.The play is one of the edgiest productions brought to the LSU stage in years, said John Mabry, theater graduate student and director of the performance.The production contains “strong adult content and themes,” according to the LSU Theatre Department’s Web site. “The play is very dark,” Mabry said. “It has teeth that bite.” He said the play will reach viewers in an original way because it deals with real-to-life characters audiences don’t normally see.”The Crackwalker” will run tonight through Sunday at 7:30 p.m., with a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. Admission is $10, and tickets can be bought at the door.–Contact Matthew Jacobs at [email protected]