LSU football fans don’t need to worry about Phase II of the Easy Streets project infringing on their tailgating. The University is currently considering a proposal to limit vehicle access on Tower Drive, a popular parking spot for tailgaters during football season. Many have expressed concern about the status of parking availability next season. “That’s not impacted at all,” said Gary Graham, director of the Office of Parking, Traffic and Transportation. Graham said the only areas closed to parking will be between South Campus Drive and South Stadium Drive. The parking areas near the Parade Ground will remain open. The area between South Campus Drive and South Stadium Drive will not be closed to through traffic. The parking lots connected to Coates Hall and Nicholson Hall will remain open.”If the street were completely blocked off and you couldn’t have access to those parking lots, then tailgating spots would be taken,” said Herb Vincent, senior associate athletic director. “But I don’t think those parking lots will be blocked off. The whole discussion is a little premature. The Easy Streets [proposal] hasn’t even been accepted, or funded for that matter.” The project, if approved, is slated to begin in the summer, Graham said.”It’s going to be an ongoing one if it gets approved,” Graham said. “It’s going through recommendations, and nothing has been approved.”University officials are hoping the new-look Tower Drive will aid bicycle traffic through campus. “It has to do with bicycle routes, bicycle paths, safer travel for bicycles,” Vincent said. “For instance, it would create angled parking instead of parallel parking, where people open up doors into the street. It just makes better flow for bicycles and pedestrians.” The amount of pedestrians and bicycles traveling Tower Drive every day makes the idea a viable option, Vincent said. “As far as Tower Drive in particular, there is a tremendous amount of pedestrian traffic that crosses that road every day during the course of the day,” Vincent said. “That’s why there is occasional discussion about closing off all those roads.”Eddie Nunez, associate athletic director of operations and project development, said he has only had preliminary discussions with Graham and his staff. The Athletic Department is considering adding more parking spots even if the Easy Streets project does not affect tailgaters, he said. “Honestly, we really haven’t gotten into those discussions yet,” Nunez said. “We are considering expanding parking options anyway, though.” The Athletic Department is also concerned about the amount of fans parking directly on Nicholson Drive, Nunez said. He said the safety of the fans is a priority for the Athletic Department. “We just want to alleviate some of those concerns,” Nunez said. “Our fans are resourceful. I don’t doubt they would find a way to enjoy themselves. We’ve been looking at some other opportunities, though.” Nunez mentioned expansion of free parking lots near the levee and the new parking lot to be constructed at the old Alex Box Stadium as locations for new parking on game days.—–Contact Chris Branch at [email protected]
Easy Streets project will not affect tailgaters on Tower Drive
March 23, 2010