Student Government representatives passed a resolution last week to tack a $30-35 fee increase onto the final bills of graduating seniors. The money would go to pay for the “Class Gift Project,” a brick walkway that will eventually encircle the Parade Ground. Specifically, students would be paying to have a brick engraved with their name, as well as for landscaping and outdoor furniture. The fee was originally an optional addition to the fee bill — like the 2009 class gift, which beautified the space behind Dodson Hall — but representatives voted to make it mandatory. Seniors must add the fee to the existing $25 diploma fee or they won’t be allowed to graduate.And the Senate specifically voted not to put the proposal to a student vote.The fee isn’t a certainty yet — it requires administrative approval before going into effect — but this is unacceptable. Forcing this fee on the students under the radar — and, make no mistake, that’s exactly what SG is doing — is a reprehensible abuse of SG’s power. We don’t take issue with attempts to beautify the campus, but nobody should be shoehorned into funding them — especially during a time when tuition is going to be raised and TOPS might be decreased. These senators are kidding themselves if they think a majority of students share their enthusiasm for having their name put onto a brick. And they’re nothing short of crazy if they think students are OK with being forced to pay for one.This is an example of, at best, senators disconnected from the basic reality of students and, at worst, senators passing their own ideas and padding their résumés with flagrant disregard to student opinion.Students should be severely disappointed with their representatives, but there’s still hope that this proposal won’t see the light of day. Chancellor Michael Martin should resoundingly and immediately axe this scurrilous legislation. If SG wants students to fund the “Class Gift Project,” that’s certainly reasonable. But they should put the proposal to a vote of the student body.These behind-the-scenes machinations paint a picture of student representatives in an ivory tower.We hope this is a one-time blunder — not representative of our student representatives in general. And we certainly hope that whoever emerges the winner from the upcoming elections doesn’t approach any legislation with this mentality.But this is disgusting.—–Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our view: Additional $35 fee for graduating seniors is unacceptable
March 9, 2010