Residential College One, the newest dormitory being built on campus, is scheduled to begin its second phase of construction in mid-August. “The building will add a dormitory and faculty residential apartments to the University,” said Richard Brown, vice president of Bani, Carville and Brown, the architecture company in charge of the project. Construction began in 2005 with the $900,000 demolition of Graham Hall. Phase one involved leveling Graham Hall and clearing the land for phase two and was finished in fall 2007. Phase one cost the University $22 million, Brown said.The next phase, involving the building of the new dorms, is estimated to cost the University $21.4 million, Brown said.Some students questioned the need for such costly construction.Nicole White, economics freshman, said she doesn’t understand why the facility wasn’t affected by the economic downturns in the last year.The project seems unnecessary to other students.”I don’t know if you need a new set of dorms when you can just renovate the older dorms,” said Heather Watts, mass communication sophomore.Brown said budget cuts are a non-issue when it comes to construction costs because the project is entirely funded by bonds paid for by renting fees of students living on campus.Names for the new residential hall haven’t been officially released, but Brown said it will likely still be called Graham Hall.The project is scheduled to be finished in spring 2012.- – – -Contact Andrew Hanson at