Obama’s health care plan passed.The reason I can tell: Facebook statuses. The home page is a war zone, where everyone is general of his own country, spewing machine-gun-blasting insults from around the nation. Hot off the presses is the Republican friend.”Obama is a no good socialist. I’m moving to Mexico where I can use my gun, and my money won’t be stolen.”Everybody knows this guy. He regurgitates his parents’ rhetoric. The friend who uses Glenn Beck transcripts and Wikipedia as proper examples in public debate at a dimly lit bar.I will most likely berate this guy with comments like “Why don’t you just hush?!” or “You don’t know.”Those comments are my way of disagreeing — jokingly. No one can see my facial expressions as I say it because it’s Facebook. The status gets 25 more comments from his conservative cronies.Right after my comment comes another Republican kid, “Who are you, Matt Sigur? Sound like a socialist pig to me! Hope you like AIDS!”How did Obama’s health care plan all of the sudden turn into an AIDS epidemic? Meanwhile, your perky Democratic friend is on the other side of town. “YAy! ObaMa did it right! Yes we can? More like YES WE DID!”She probably equates free health care to getting a lifetime’s supply of medical marijuana and deodorant, but I do give her status a thumbs-up.There are no comments — her wall is pristine and full of her hippie friends’ love. Further down her wall, one friend has said, “Your friendship is a ray of a sunshine! Be beautiful.”Then I realize I’m not so sure I should agree with her at all.I realize why I don’t ever talk politics.Once you start the political talk around the campfire at my age, you never stop. You just keep adding twigs to the flame. If these people had a conversation in real life, it would be like listening to a loop of breaks squealing for six hours.In real life, the mediator (i.e. me) will come in at some point and say, “I love you. Both of you. I’m sorry to be creepy right now about that. By the way, could you stop yelling about Obama? The whole flipping bar can hear you. Thanks. I love you.”It gets worse on Facebook. There is no middleman to ease the tension — just millions of “friends,” all wanting to spew opinions in the public domain. All you do is sit there until your blood pressure goes through the roof. Until you shake your computer screen and throw it across the room, yelling obscenities.”The world is so stupid. How come no one agrees with me?”Then you realize you have no computer because you just threw it across your room, stressing out over everyone else’s stupidity.Maybe you don’t get that mad. But you join a group either titled “Health care has passed — let’s march to Washington” (which isn’t economically feasible at all, but hey, at least they’re trying) or “Obama is the man! You go!” (which could mean anything).After this update, and because Facebook is stalker central, the friends come back to berate you. See how it’s a never-ending cycle of terror?Imagine if everyone just commented, “I see your point. While I don’t agree, I’d like to be optimistic about this new plan.” You’re right: That’s the blandest stuff ever. I like the war zone atmosphere better. On second thought, I’m just going to sit back and watch the best drama since “Homicide: Life on the Streets.” Cynical and stalker-y? Quite, but I’d rather be indifferent than an idiot. Matthew Sigur is a 22-year-old mass communication senior from West Monroe. Follow him on Twitter @ TDR_msigur.—————Contact Matthew Sigur at [email protected]
Damaged Goods: Facebook statuses about health care sound like war
March 29, 2010