Budget cuts need student attention, support
The budget cuts that have been made to higher education are going to change LSU with unforeseeable force. The LSU administration is doing everything it can to preserve the integrity of our beloved university and the quality of education LSU has become known for over the years. However, little can be done if the higher-education budget at the state level keeps receiving cuts, even after the governor promised there would be no additional cuts made. Chuck Wilson, Vice Provost of Academic Affairs, explained the University has already cut all of the fat or unnecessary expenses they could out of LSU’s financial operating system. The money to keep LSU running still has to come from somewhere, however, and that somewhere is from the very heart of our university itself—from its degree programs. The total effects of the cuts have yet to even be seen. All around us, entire programs are being shut down. Over 200 instructors have received letters of non-renewal, which means they could lose their jobs in 2011. General staff employed for years by the University have been let go. This was all BEFORE the announcement that an additional $84 million may be cut by the state from the higher-education budget for this fiscal year. It is inevitable — there will be even more changes and more damage inflicted upon the integrity of the University unless we do something.This is OUR UNIVERSITY. We cannot just stand by and watch as LSU loses its reputation and quality of education because of budget cuts.We need to make our voices heard and make them heard where they count. We need to contact the state legislature before they meet for their next session here in Baton Rouge on March 29. I beg you to make a quick phone call to your district Louisiana House and Senate representatives. It’s very simple to find out who represents you; go to http://www.legis.state.la.us/district/zipcode.asp and type in your home address. If you’re not originally from Baton Rouge, make sure you contact the legislator(s) who represents the district of Louisiana you are from. The idea is to have legislators from all over the state receiving calls from the citizens they represent so we can have as much representation in the legislature as possible when the next session begins.Also, join Student Government for the March to the Capitol demonstration March 29 when the upcoming session of state legislature meets. (Be on the lookout for a broadcast e-mail regarding the exact time and more details.) The more of us that join in on the march, the greater impact we’ll have! Do not be scared if you have never done something like this before; neither have I. But now is the time for us all to be brave and give it all we’ve got for LSU. If you value our university and your education, please make a call to your local House and Senate representatives to tell them how the budget cuts are currently and will continue to impact the University. They are the ones who represent us—help them to know without a doubt how we feel. We can make a difference. Thank you and GEAUX TIGERS!!! Sloane Elizabeth Churchman nutrition senior
—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letter to the Editor: 3/22/10
March 21, 2010