Phi Mu stepped its way to victory against five other sororities Thursday night.The sorority won the first-place trophy in the first Panhellenic Council step show with a routine entitled “Pink Ladies.””Go big or go home, and we’re not going home,” said Natalie Jeansonne, Phi Mu freshman.Kappa Delta took second place, and Zeta Tau Alpha finished third.Other competing sororities were Chi Omega, Delta Gamma and Kappa Alpha Theta. Each sorority choreographed a routine with the assistance of a liaison from the National Panhellenic Council. Whitney Morvant of Chi Omega, history junior, said the MPHD helped a lot with the routine. Her group also used YouTube to find steps they liked.Most choreographed the routine with a theme specific to their sorority. Morvant said they used their mascot, an owl, as inspiration for their theme “Jailbirds.”Phi Mu chose a routine entitled “Pink Ladies” because the sorority’s colors are pink and white, said Andrea Westin of Phi Mu, communication disorders sophomore.Routines were between seven and 10 minutes. Morvant said her group’s routine was eight minutes.”We never thought we would get it that long,” Morvant said.The songs for the routines were mash-ups the girls created. Curse words and profanity weren’t permitted. Westin and Morvant both said many of the girls participating had either dance or cheerleading experience. The biggest challenge was not learning the routine, but learning to stomp and hit hard enough, Westin said.Most sororities said they have been practicing for about a month. They began with rehearsals two to three times a week, but they increased their practices to four times a week as the show got closer.NPHC covered the cost for renting the River Center and planned to break even with the ticket sales, said Carlton Miller, president of the NPHC.Sororities were responsible for buying their own costumes as well as any scenery they used. Westin said her group already owned most of the props.The Phi Mu girls spent about $30 on costumes, she said. They were able to reuse items from recruitment.Morvant said her group only spent $48 total. They saved money by having another girl in the sorority paint their backdrop.There was a similar show two years geared toward PHC organizations during Homecoming, said Teresia Greer, graduate student in higher education. But it was more strolling than stepping, she said. This is the first full step show.Greer said the difference is strolling is like a line dance — simultaneous with more dancing.Stepping is multi-faceted and also involves skits.The NPHC historically consists of the Black National Greek Letter sororities and fraternities, and the group has step shows regularly. The PHC historically consists of white sororities.The NPHC partnered with the PHC to assist the sororities in learning how to step.Greer said they decided to do the show because they thought “it was time for a change.”The NPHC organizations involved were the Delta Sigma Theta and Sigma Gamma Rho sororities, and the Alpha Phi Alpha and Iota Phi Theta fraternities. Members from the PHC said having experienced steppers helping them made a big difference.”It was hard to know where to start,” Westin said. “We wouldn’t be anywhere without them.” She said the groups have definitely grown closer.”[It is] a bridge program to bring all three councils together,” Miller said. “A way to unite the Greek community in a fun way.”
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Sorority step show brings Greek councils together
March 5, 2010

Members of Phi Mu perform Thursday at the annual Panhellenic Council step show at the River Center.