Editor’s note: This story is the last in a four-part series on the Student Government campaigns. The candidates will be presented alphabetically by last name.Most Student Government election candidates are armed with buttons, pushcards and stickers. SG presidential candidate Bryan Wooldridge and vice presidential candidate John Craig of “Two Kings for LSU” are armed with humor. During debates and interviews, Wooldridge and Craig have been less than serious about their bid for the presidency and vice presidency. To help bring together the executive, legislative and judicial branches, Craig said he’d like to throw a “sweet-ass keg party” if elected.Some candidates have strong opinions about the controversial Graduate Walk project, which will add a mandatory $30 fee to every graduating seniors’ fee bill if passed. “It’s 30 bucks. That’s like fourth-grade allowance,” Wooldridge said. To increase the number of incoming and transfer students on campus, Craig said he does his part by smiling at guests and putting some “spring in his step.””A lot of people here are from Louisiana,” Craig said. “Those people are going to go here anyway.”In the Freshman Leadership Council debate Tuesday night, the candidates discussed what issues they like from other campaigns’ pushcards. “I wouldn’t choose one ticket. I would choose many initiatives,” Craig said. “We’re not going to let pride stand in the way of the betterment of LSU.”Presidential Candidate Theo Williams said he liked Two Kings’ idea of using sporks in the Student Union to cut down on plastic utensil use. The spork combines a fork and spoon into one utensil. “This is probably the greatest man I’ve ever met in my life,” Craig said of Williams. In Tuesday’s debate, Craig also suggested installing guard rails on the Life Sciences Building. “Too soon,” Wooldridge said. With budget cuts looming, the candidates say a fee or tuition increase is inevitable. “Tuition’s gonna have to go up,” Craig said. “It’s pretty much dirt cheap right now.”Five of the other six presidential and vice presidential candidates have experience in SG, but Wooldridge and Craig don’t. “There’s been a lot of talk on experience,” Craig said. “I have 22 years of experience in life. I may not remember the first few very well, and I may not remember the last few very well.”
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Wooldridge, Craig combine humor with initiatives
March 18, 2010