Campus Life is accepting applications until Friday for its third annual Geaux Lead retreat.
The program, to be held May 23 to 26, is a “four-day immersive off-campus retreat,” meant to build leadership skills in University students, said Mary Wallace, director of Campus Life and associate dean of students.
The Geaux Lead program was created at the University in 2008 when Campus Life no longer had funds to continue LeaderShape, a national program with a similar philosophy.
“Geaux Lead is our homegrown leadership program,” Wallace said.
The program is open to 50 students, and anyone is encouraged to apply except students who are graduating in spring 2010, according to the Campus Life Web site.
The program teaches students the foundations of leadership and how to be an effective leader in any position, Wallace said.
“Leadership is not necessarily positional,” Wallace said. “Just because I’m the associate dean of students, that doesn’t mean much. What means more is who am I as a leader and what do I do as a leader.”
The location for this year’s retreat has not yet been determined, but Campus Life is searching for an area similar to locations it has used previously, such as the Feliciana Retreat Center in Norwood, which offers many outdoor activities, Wallace said.
The retreat lasts only four days, but Wallace said Campus Life makes an effort throughout the year to stay in touch with attending students and keep them connected not only to their lessons in leadership but also to each other.
“Part of it is that they stay connected,” she said. “They are growing up in their leadership at LSU and staying in touch with their peers they’ve met at Geaux Lead.”
The retreat is free for students, and the application, which includes a short questionnaire, is available online at the Campus Life Web site. Students accepted to attend the program must attend an informational meeting on May 3 or 4.
Contact Ryan Buxton at [email protected]
Free retreat taking applications
April 25, 2010