Articles of impeachment against University Court Chief Justice Sean Horridge were withdrawn by members of the Student Government Senate on Wednesday night.Sen. Drew Prestridge, College of Arts and Sciences, withdrew the legislation after presenting it at the SG meeting last week.Prestridge moved to impeach Horridge following a breach in Student Government rules regarding his handling of a complaint served to the court about last week’s SG election.The judge assigned to hear the complaint was accused of bias by SG members opposed to the complaint.Sen. Aaron Caffarel, University Center for Freshman Year, requested the judge recuse himself. The judge refused, and Caffarel requested the University Court recuse him. Horridge administered the vote for recusal via e-mail. This prompted legislation for his impeachment, Prestridge said.Prestridge agreed to withdraw the impeachment legislation when Horridge apologized for his error to the Senate.”I wanted to apologize for the procedural error,” Horridge said. “I take full responsibility and can assure you nothing of this nature will happen during this term.”Prestridge then presented legislation to censure Horridge for the breach in rules and insufficient knowledge of the rules.”We are exercising our check as Senate on the judicial branch and recognizing there were mistakes and making sure it doesn’t happen again,” Prestridge said.The Senate also passed an official opinion urging the University to change its method for awarding graduating honors to consider only cumulative GPA.The University currently considers student’s cumulative GPA and GPA accumulated at the University and uses the lower of the two to determine honors.Sen. Keely Knapp, College of Arts and Sciences, authored the legislation and said the current rules inaccurately punish students who may have a high GPA before transferring to the University but don’t after transfer.”Cumulative should be used because using LSU GPA is an inaccurate measure of a student’s entire work,” Knapp said.The bill was met with fierce debate by senators who felt a University honor should be considered by work done at the University.”I think using cumulative is inadequate because I feel like using LSU as the measurement creates a level playing field,” said Sen. Jared Bourgeois, College of Basic Sciences.Knapp admitted the bill was born because it benefitted her, but said it “continued through my concern for students.”The bill was passed and will be presented to the Faculty Senate at its next meeting.—–Contact Xerxes A. Wilson at [email protected]
Sen. withdraws impeachment
April 1, 2010
College of Arts and Sciences Sen. Drew Prestridge changes his impeachment charge on Chief Justice of University Court Sean Horridge to having him censored by the legislative branch for Horridge’s remaining time in office.