Amid the confusion and debate surrounding the recent SG elections, a highly controversial issue was relegated to the back burner — the Class Gift Project.Before the election season started, the SG Senate fiercly debated the proposal, which would add a mandatory $30 fee to graduating students’ fee bills. The money would pay for a brick to be added to a walkway that would eventually encircle the Parade Ground.The senators argued the project would not survive unless the fee was mandatory. SG voted in the end to send the proposal to Chancellor Michael Martin’s office — expressly avoiding a vote by the student body.We strenuously objected to — and still strenuously object to — this decision, which was passionately debated on our Web site, Martin decided to send the proposal “back to the students,” perhaps partially in response to all the controversy. Because of the time and effort the election season demanded — and because of the disqualifcation debacle afterwards — SG has not yet decided what to do.With that protracted matter finally finished, it’s time to address this issue once and for all.Students need the chance to let their voices be heard on the Class Gift Project and the fee that accompanies it. Yes, the SG Senators technically represent the student body — in theory. But given widespread apathy toward elections and the process in general — less than a quarter of students voted in the last elections — and given the bureaucracy and arcane machinery of SG proceedings, issues that directly cost students money need direct student input.It may be too late for a vote this semester. But the impacts of this proposal will affect more than just the students graduating in May — it will affect students for years afterward. We don’t think students would vote for this additional fee. If SG doesn’t agree with us, it shouldn’t be afraid of a student vote.But trying to bypass the students gives the impression SG really doesn’t care what students think about it at all.
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Our view: SG class gift project fee needs to face student vote
April 22, 2010