Construction work is still going on around Alex Box Stadium despite the completion of many offseason construction projects. Bleachers in right field, a new batter’s eye in center field and a new Intimidator billboard were installed during the offseason.Forthcoming additions include a fan drop-off lane and a National Championship Plaza. “Everything for the most part at baseball is going well,” said Eddie Nunez, associate athletic director of operations and project development. “Everything we needed to get done for the playing opportunities were completed for the first game this past weekend.” Pending weather, Nunez said concrete would be poured later in the week with the hope of having that part of the project completed by the weekend when LSU plays William and Mary. He said the National Championship Plaza was expected to be completed sometime in March. “Weather has really put a bind on that one,” Nunez said. “It’s moving well, though, and we’re hoping to have everything ready to go in about a month.”The plaza will be located in front of Alex Box Stadium’s gate two and will honor LSU’s prolific baseball history. “One of the first couple of things we wanted to recognize were the six national championships,” Nunez said. In the old Alex Box Stadium, there were plaques honoring the coaches and players on the teams. Nunez said those plaques would be refurbished and placed within the Plaza. Additional monuments will also surround the facility. “We wanted to bring some of the old, which was the old Alex Box Stadium, in with the new,” Nunez said. “Now we’re adding to it with last year’s championship.”Other items to be included in the plaza are the six national championship flags and other monuments honoring the former LSU players who have been elected into the College Baseball Hall of Fame. —-Contact Johanathan Brooks at [email protected]