Student Government senators and executive staff members discussed ways students can help with budget cuts Wednesday.
J. Hudson, SG director of external affairs, said the executive staff had a great collaborative effort on a project to get students talking about budget cuts.
“The purpose is to educate students about what’s going on, and they’ll be motivated to action,” Hudson said.
The executive staff will soon create a brochure with information about budget cuts geared specifically at students. The staff is also creating letter templates for students to address representatives from their own Louisiana districts.
“We need to get students involved and get it done in a timely manner,” Hudson said.
Hudson also said he wants to set up a “phone call party” in the Live Oak Lounge and have students call Louisiana senators and representatives to express their concern about budget cuts.
“We want them to have enough calls where they’re literally sick of hearing the message,” Hudson said.
Greg Upton, SG chief economic adviser, said there will be a trade-off between cost and quality next year.
“The only way to protect quality is to increase fees on students,” Upton said. “Are we going to suck it up and say we’re going to take a hit for a few years?”
Other business at the meeting included a new census awareness program.
David Jones, University Center for Freshman Year senator, said he wants students to know the government’s census procedures and be aware of identity crisis.
Jones said he is excited to start a program that will reach to high school students in Baton Rouge and get them more involved once they get on campus.
Aaron Caffarel, University Center for Freshman Year senator, said he is meeting with the Registrar’s Office to restructure finals week and move the add and drop date for classes.
He also mentioned making teacher evaluations at the end of the semester available on Moodle to save paper and energy.
Senators also debated the 2010 Class Gift Project and moved the decision on how to finance the project to next week’s agenda. Tiffany Compagno, 2010 Class Gift Chair, said she will put together an ad campaign to educate students on the project.
SG Speaker of the Senate Tyler Martin swore in new senators Jennifer West, Alex Cagnola and Alex Grashoff from the College of Engineering and Sean Mills from the Graduate School.
——Contact Catherine Threlkeld at [email protected]
Senate plans to get students involved in budget cuts
February 5, 2010