Students always seem to be searching for ways to make a little extra cash, and now they have turned to pecan picking to fill their pockets.
Jeff Smith, owner of Farmers Feed Mill, said he receives around 250 people every day between the store’s two locations, and 25 percent of its customers are high school and college students.
Farmers Feed Mill, a farm supply business that buys pecans, is located in Maringouin, a 30-minute drive from campus, and in New Roads, a 45-minute drive.
“Regardless of where the pecans are from, we usually buy them for a dollar per pound,” Smith said.
Prices depend on the market as well as conditions like weather and availability, said Ken Breaux, owner of Atlas Feed Mills Incorporated in Breaux Bridge.
Despite all the talk about pricing, friendly customer service remains the main focus of many businesses.
“When the younger kids come in, I usually pay them a little more,” said Larry Rider, owner of Plantation Feed and Supply in Port Allen.
Some specific kinds of pecans are worth more than regular pecans, Smith said.
Special varieties, like Elliott, Melrose and Candy pecans, are usually sold for $1.30 per pound because they are better quality than the usual pecans, Smith said.
Farmers Feed Mill keeps special variety pecans and sells them within the store as goodies or presents. Special packaging is available for those who wish to give pecans to friends and family as gifts, Smith said.
Atlas Feed buys pecans from its customers for around 75 cents per pound and in turn sells the pecans to companies for 70 cents per pound, Breaux said.
“We make about a nickel per pound for being the broker between our customers and the companies,” Breaux said.
Farmers Feed Mill has extended its hours during pecan season and will remain open every day during pecan season, which spans from October until January, Smith said.
Brandon Bourgeois, general studies junior, said he has never sold pecans before, but he would consider doing it in the future.
Contact Kate Mabry at [email protected]
Students collect pecans
November 3, 2010