To whom it may concern,
I am a senior at LSU and have been to every away game (and home game) and have sat on the first row for every away game.
Being the dedicated Tiger fan that I am, I felt the need to make the sacrifice and be awake at a time no man should be awake — much less doing something productive — and be at the Athletic Administration Building at 6 a.m., along with some other friends of mine on the day of, to pick up our tickets.
Anyway, on to the reason I wrote this letter.
This past weekend at Auburn I was pissed off that our beloved Tigers failed to play at their full capacity.
However, I was further dejected at a group of idiots that sat next to me.
There is a reason opponents hate LSU fans and why we have a bad reputation, and these guys were part of that problem. Yeah, it’s cool to act blackout drunk, act like you have ‘roid rage or act like you’re better than everyone else sometimes.
But this was not the time nor place.
These kids proceeded to start a “slut” chant as some innocent young lady walked by on the field simply because she was wearing orange and navy. These guys had obviously never been with a girl or know how to treat one.
It’s worthless people like this who piss me off.
And while we’re on worthless people, stop booing just because your favorite quarterback doesn’t go in for the drive.
Regardless if the guy I think should be in there goes in or not, I want the quarterback that is in there to have the confidence to lead our team to victory.
It should be obvious to all by now that our head coach is an idiot and wants to play the two-quarterback gamble because he is too blind to see the clear choice.
So stop booing and doing the wave.
Your fellow Bogie’s Rat,
James Myers
Construction management senior
Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letter to the editor: LSU fans were embarassing in Auburn, Ala., this past Saturday
October 27, 2010