The University submitted its plan Friday to meet a $2.2 million midyear budget cut, which follows last year’s state-budget deficit of $108 million.
Chancellor Michael Martin said in a broadcast e-mail the University is implementing a series of permanent reductions.
“These cuts could eliminate a portion of the General Fund support of the Louisiana Geological Survey, phase out scholarships in the School of Music, transfer costs associated with Greek Life to a fee basis, eliminate a portion of state funding to the Louisiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab and move the funding of the Academic Center for Student-Athletes to the Athletic Department,” Martin said in the e-mail.
The University will accommodate the midyear cut with revenue from tuition and fees from a large freshman incoming class, according to a news release from University Relations.
Martin said the increased revenue from a larger freshman class would have been used to provide increased classroom support, reduce section sizes and to provide counseling and tutoring houses.
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University submits plan for $2.2M cut
October 17, 2010