Red Six Media is operated out of the University’s business incubator — a program of the Louisiana Business and Technology Center that helps small businesses get started — by six University alumni. And they have a mission: to take a company, brand it and make it more than just a company.
They accomplish this across all platforms and in every detail, from advertising to logo creation to social media integration and graphic design. They’ve worked with organizations like Counter Culture, Electronic Arts and the United Way.
The idea was born when five of the six members were in an advertising capstone class together where they crafted an advertising campaign and participated in a national competition.
“This group was one of the more close-knit groups I’ve ever taught,” said former instructor of the class Lance Porter, mass communication professor.
Kristen Morrison, account executive at Red Six, said she was trying to decide between job offers when she realized the team had an opportunity most recent grads don’t even think about.
So she gathered the team, and they took Porter out to The Chimes. After a discussion over dinner, Red Six was formed.
In addition to the other members of the capstone group – Matt Dardenne, Joe Martin, James Spencer and Trey Bartsch – Kristen brought in her twin sister Kayla to handle the business side of the operation.
“I was sitting there wondering, ‘Why are these guys getting jobs or going to [grad school] when they’re already so [accomplished]?'” Kristen Morrison said.
They found their space in the LBTC’s business incubator and began the process of narrowing down their business plan.
“It’s a combination of figuring out where the need is, where the money is and what is fun,” Morrison said.
They became a full-service ad agency and say getting respect around Baton Rouge hasn’t been a problem, despite their age and small size.
“We do things our way,” Dardenne said. “It’s become a good thing. A lot of people embrace us because of it.”
Morrison said when she was having trouble garnering respect at a local chamber meeting, she decided to get creative at the next one.
“I wore pajama pants and spilled Coke on my white shirt, and I stood on a chair and told them, ‘Unfortunately, people do judge books by their cover. You’re judging me. If your [advertising] is bad, people aren’t going to buy your product,'” Morrison said.
Red Six is perfectly situated near the University, Morrison said.
“We are surrounded by businesses that cater to LSU. Who better than six people who just graduated from LSU to sell your product to students?” Morrison said.
Now Red Six has earned the attention and business of the Baton Rouge business community.
“I’m really proud of them and what they’ve accomplished,” Porter said. “If you had asked local professionals if they would have been able to achieve the kind of success they have I think you would’ve gotten a lot of doubters.”
Contact Frederick Holl at
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Six University alumni run advertising agency
October 4, 2010
Trey Bartsch, Red Six Media creative director, works on an advertisement for a client.