Reports of paranormal activity on the third floor of Pleasant Hall have caught the attention of students and faculty at the University.
Rumor has it, a young couple stayed on the third floor while the building was a hotel in the 1960s, and the woman thought her boyfriend was seeing someone else, said Lisa Graves, program coordinator for professional development in Continuing Education.
In a jealous rage, she shot her boyfriend and then committed suicide. Though the woman died, the young man survived the gunshot, Graves said.
Some custodial workers were anxious about working on the third floor, and a number of hotel guests mentioned having strange feelings, Graves said.
After the room was renovated and turned into an office about four years ago, Graves said she was told there were several reports of strange noises and doors closing.
The third floor currently contains government offices and is no longer open to the public. However, someone with knowledge of the incident is looking into the case, Graves said.
Graves said she experienced a “presence” in the room with her on the third floor while the building was still a hotel.
Graves described her experience on the third floor as “strange” and “different” but in no way alarming. She said she felt a chilling and tingling sensation.
“I’m not concerned that anything bad is going on,” Graves said. “It was just an odd encounter.”
Graves said she had known of a death in the building but didn’t know any details until later.
“It wasn’t until after my experience I learned about the suicide/murder attempt,” Graves said.
Gaby Town, elementary education junior, said she had never heard about the haunting at Pleasant Hall.
“If anything on campus were haunted, it would be appropriate that it be Pleasant Hall,” Town said. “Pleasant Hall is a creepy building.”
Contact Kate Mabry at [email protected]
Possible Pleasant Hall paranormal activity bothers workers, students
October 26, 2010