It’s been seen on the sidewalk, on the bus and on Facebook — but what is “WhatNow Lsu?”
The mysterious campaign has been popping up all over campus, advertising “The Event” to be held tonight at 6 p.m. in the Cox Communications Academic Center for Student-Athletes Auditorium.
“Without revealing too much of what the real reason behind ‘The Event’ is, students will take part in something big, and something that, to our knowledge, has never happened on LSU’s campus,” an anonymous WhatNow Lsu spokesperson said via e-mail. “We feel it will be a start to something that will grow.”
The group said it chose to take a secretive approach to raise eyebrows and to catch students’ attention in the midst of all that is going on in the state and on campus. Students campus-wide are questioning the movement and the theme of “The Event.”
“Maybe it’s something to do with budget cuts,” said Brandi Ducote, biology senior. “It seems to be what people are talking about lately.”
The WhatNow Lsu group said it realizes some students are apprehensive about “The Event” because of the lack of information but guarantees it will be worth attending.
“We aren’t bringing them in to watch grass grow. There is a point,” the spokesperson said. “This is likely to be the start of something bigger, something students would see as interesting and worthwhile.”
Contact Sydni Dunn at [email protected]
‘WhatNow Lsu?’ to be unveiled tonight
October 28, 2010